Mastering Money Masterclass
Taking Control of your Finances 100% and Being Happy while at it
One of the issues that many of us need to address so that we can be the happy successful muslimah who spends her wealth for Allah's pleasure is our relationship with money, isnt it?
This masterclass will help you navigate;
Your Instructor
Zainab Oladapo is a Chartered Accountant and a Certified Results Coach on a quest to support women , girls and young adults to gain clarity and a sense of purpose in their life by building their self worth & creating a financially empowered mindset so that they can live a happy life, give back to society and find abundance in the hereafter.
She is the founder Muslimah Ultimate Success Academy, a division of Acumen Consulting Ltd which provides Wealth & Life Coaching ; Vocational & Creativity Trainings which to date has worked succesfully with over 1500 women, children ,teens and young adults.
Zainab is from Nigeria, works from home in the capital city of Abuja and when she is not running after her own little kids she teaches other kids and teens the art of fashion & design and volunteers to help teens and young adults on the journey of self- discovery. She is fuelled by an insatiable quest for knowledge and is passionate about creative arts & writing, handicraft, gardening & healthy living as well as sharing everything she learns with others.
Her on going projects include giving back to society by donating 10% of all business proceeds to Al -Ihsan Charity Organisation, an orphanage in the north of Nigeria; runs the Kids Sew 4 Charity initiative along side Muslimah Haven a safe space for muslim female teens and young adults to have halal fun whilst growing in the deen (faith).
Connect with her on: [email protected]